about us

A little pieces of tiles blossom on the wall.


The character “爿” pronounced as “pan”, is the ancient character of “wall.”  Tiles are like flowers blooming on the wall, representing people’s impressions of home and showcasing the common aesthetic of Taiwan.

「爿」音「半」 ,是「牆」的古字,瓷磚就像是一片片開在牆上的花,它代表了人們對家的印象,展現了屬於臺灣的常民美學。

Traditional Tile Patterns in Taiwan


pan pan hua began in 2013. We collected and documented tile patterns from old houses across Taiwan, we converted the photographed tiles into digital patterns, compiling them into a book “Traditional Tile Patterns in Taiwan”, which we open source on Flickr for creators in various fields.


Handcraft tile project


Through years of research, we have found that the mosaic tile, once-thrivingin Taiwan, ceased production nearly half a century ago. Neither tile factories nor construction material suppliers offer similar products anymore, resulting in a gradual loss of Taiwan’s architectural identity. This prompted us to launch a project to revive the old tiles.


Inspired by traditional Taiwanese tiles, we’ve created a unique handmade tile-making process. Our designs are based on analysis of glazes, shapes, and materials, elevating the craftsmanship and creativity of the tiles.

We offer small-batch, diverse customization services, allowing tiles to transcend the realm of construction and integrate into home decor, installation art, cultural education, and other areas, enriching people’s lives with a multifaceted approach.


